Home Inspiration Tips and Advice

15 spots in your home you may be forgetting to clean

These easy-to-miss spots may have been left off, but we have the best tips to help you deep clean your home this season.
Modern kitchen with light blue cabinets, wooden table, cane chairs, hanging lights, and champagne bottles on the counter.

Do you follow the same auto-pilot routine when cleaning your home: vacuum, mop, wash the dishes, do the laundry, do a bit of dusting, and do a quick wipe down of all surfaces? There are many places in the home that we wouldn’t even think of when cleaning the house but are just as important as your standard household jobs.


From couch crevices to curtains and even the appliances that we use to clean, these are some of the dirtiest places in your home to include in your spring clean.

1. Scrub behind the toilet

Cleaning the toilet is a no-brainer but what about around and behind it? Often hard to get to, the back and sides of toilets not only accumulate dust and dirt but also harmful bacteria. Put on those rubber gloves and give it a good scrub with disinfectant and hot water.

2. Vacuum inside the couch

Crumbs, rubbish, pet hair and maybe a few coins (if you’re lucky!) are just some of the interesting things you’ll find if you dare to take off your couch cushions. Give your couch a good vacuum at least once a month and wash the cover, if you have one, to instantly freshen up your living room.


3. Disinfect your TV remote

Although they are handled every day, TV remotes are often overlooked when it comes to household cleaning. Multipurpose antibacterial wipes are great to have on hand for quick and easy jobs like this.

4. Clean door knobs and light switches

Like the TV remote, these are something we handle every day in our homes. Give them a wipe-down at least once a week with a microfiber cloth to prevent bacteria build-up, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.

5. Dust curtains and blinds

Curtains and blinds collect dust and mildew just like the rest of your home. Depending on the material, fabric curtains can be machine-washed or dry-cleaned. Roller, vertical and Venetian blinds can be wiped down with a damp cloth. For tough stains, scrub them gently with an old toothbrush and detergent.


6. Scrub your toothbrush holder

If your toothbrush holder is hard to see inside, chances are it hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Rinse, scrub and repeat until the grime is gone. You can even run it through the dishwasher to kill any bacteria.

7. Disinfect the dishwasher

How is your dishwasher supposed to clean your dishes if it isn’t clean itself? If you’ve noticed your dishwasher isn’t quite doing its job (or it smells a bit off) it may be time for a clean. To clean your dishwasher, scrub with a solution of baking soda and white vinegar and then run a cycle with nothing in the dishwasher to get that sparkle back!

8. Wash the washing machine

Like dishwashers, washing machines need to be cleaned to wash your clothes effectively.


Again, using bicarb soda and cleaning vinegar, add ¼ cup of bicarb soda to the detergent container of your machine and pour 2 cups of vinegar into the drum. Run a normal hot cycle and let the machine do all the work. Give the whole machine a wipe-down with vinegar or multipurpose spray.

9. Dust under the bed

When was the last time you vacuumed under your bed? You’ll be surprised at how quickly dust accumulates under there, especially if you use that area for storage. Pull everything out and give it a good vacuum and a mop if you have floorboards or tiles.

10. Wash your rubbish bins

You change your bin liners regularly to prevent rubbish from sitting inside for too long, but what about the bin that holds said rubbish? To prevent nasty odours and bacteria from building up, it’s a good idea to wash your bin weekly with disinfectant and hot water.

11. Clean your air conditioner and heat pump filters

Investing in an air purifier is one way to ensure the air in your home is as clean as possible, but a purifier can only do so much if your air conditioner is pumping out musty air on a daily basis.


It’s a good idea to clean the filters in a wall-mounted reverse cycle unit every fortnight. If you’ve never taken a look inside the machine, you may be in for a nasty shock!

Refer to your unit’s instruction manual for a guide to cleaning the machine safely. Regular cleaning will prevent dust and mould build-up and ensure the unit runs as efficiently as possible.

12. Vacuum your mattress

You may clean your bed linen once a week, but have you ever given a thought to cleaning your mattress? Once you’ve stripped the bed, give the surface and sides a thorough vacuum with an upholstery attachment.

For visible stains, use a damp cloth to gently dab a small amount of detergent (or a spot stain remover) into the mattress. Once the stain has lifted, use another clean damp cloth to dab away the excess product. (Note, this stain removal method may not be suitable for latex or memory foam mattresses, so consult the manufacturer for cleaning tips specific to your mattress). Allow the mattress to dry completely (either by opening the windows or carrying the mattress outdoors to dry in the sun).


To deodorise a mattress, sprinkle bi-carb soda on the surface and leave for an hour or two before vacuuming thoroughly.

13. Clean your rangehood

A grimy rangehood will not only bring down the look of an otherwise spotless kitchen, but it will also attract dust and bacteria – and nobody wants that hovering inches above their food.

The easiest way to clean your rangehood filters is to detach them and pop them in the dishwasher on a high heat setting. If you don’t own a dishwasher, submerge the filters in a bucket of soapy water and use a stiff brush or scour sponge to buff away the dirt and oil before rinsing clean. For extra greasy filters, leave to soak overnight in a bucket filled with a solution of water and Selley’s Sugar Soap before scrubbing and rinsing clean.


Use a damp cloth and detergent to remove grime from the surface and exterior of the rangehood before reinstalling the now clean and dry filters.

14. Wipe down small kitchen appliances

The microwave, the kettle, the toaster. You use these small kitchen appliances daily – but have you cleaned them lately?

Microwave: Half-fill a microwave-safe dish with water and place half a lemon in the water. Microwave the water and lemon for about five minutes on high (or until the glass inside the microwave begins to steam up). Carefully remove the dish from the microwave and wipe the interior of the appliance clean with a soft cloth. The steam, along with the acid from the lemon, will dissolve grease while banishing nasty bacteria. The lemon will also leave the microwave smelling fresh. If you don’t have a lemon handy, use a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar.

Toaster: Breadcrumbs can build up inside, on top of and underneath your toaster and can present a fire hazard. Keep things safe and clean by disconnecting the appliance from the power source and emptying the crumb tray. Then use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of the appliance and the benchtop underneath.


Kettle: Boil equal parts water and vinegar in the kettle. Allow the solution to remain in the kettle for about 30 minutes. Discard the solution and rinse the kettle thoroughly. Regularly cleaning your kettle can prevent limescale build-up and the growth of bacteria and mildew.

15. Dust the top of the fridge

If the inside of your fridge is stacked hygienically and odour-free, you could be forgiven for thinking that that’s where the story ends. But swipe your finger across the top of the fridge and you may discover there’s still more work to do.

For more tips and advice for transforming your home, click here

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