Cool yourself and your house down without blasting the aircon.
While it’s easy enough to keep yourself fresh with a quick dip in the pool or a cold shower during summer, it’s not always as easy to cool your room down as fast without ending up with an eye-watering electricity bill from leaving the air conditioner on for a little too long – that’s if you’re lucky enough to even have air conditioning at home!
If you don’t have air conditioning or you’re simply looking to cool your home down without blowing the budget on bills, you’ll be pleased to know there are plenty of other ways to keep the heat out more naturally and efficiently.
1. Keep your windows closed
The right window treatments will help block the heat as well as reduce your energy costs. Although it’s natural to want to open doors and windows to let the ‘fresh’ air in, especially first thing in the morning, the likelihood is the outdoor temperature is going to be warmer than indoors by mid-morning. It’s best to close the doors and windows and keep that cooler air inside. If the temperature is due to drop overnight, throw your windows open before you go to bed and allow the cooler breeze in.
2. Close your blinds or curtains
According to Family Handyman, up to 30 per cent of unwanted heat comes from your windows so if your windows get direct sun, shut the blinds or curtains to prevent the heat from the sun warming the air inside the house.
3. Cool your roof cavity
Did you know that your home’s roof cavity can reach up to 70 degrees on a hot summer’s day? That’s hot enough to fry an egg! And the worst thing is it’s the leading cause of heating up your home. Cool your roof cavity with a roof ventilation system.
4. Counter-clockwise fans
In summer, the cooling wind chill effect from a ceiling fan on your skin can make a room feel up to eight degrees colder and reduce air conditioning bills by 40%. However, to be effective, you need to ensure your fan is rotating counter-clockwise to pull the hot air up away from you and push the cool air downwards.
5. Ditch the incandescent lights
If you still have any incandescent light bulbs in your home, now is the time to get rid of them. Incandescent bulbs waste about 90% of their energy in the heat they emit, so replacing them will make a small difference in cooling your home while lowering your electricity bill.
6. Plant shade trees
As well as making your garden look great, trees and plants are an effective way to block the heat from coming in through the windows.
“Plant strategically positioned trees and shrubs in garden beds or pots outside the windows that get the most direct sunlight during the day, creating natural shade cover for years to come,” says Upside Realty CEO Adam Rigby, who knows all too well how the right trees can add value to a home. “If you want more natural sunlight during the cooler months, go for trees that lose their leaves during autumn and winter, like jacaranda, ash, birch, and Robinia.”
7. Invest in a portable air conditioner
If you rent your home or don’t have the means to install an air conditioning system, portable air conditioners are an easy, affordable and versatile solution. They are also great for cooling individual rooms like bedrooms and home offices that are unable to be cooled by the aircon in your home’s central living space.
Hacks to keep your home cool:
- Hang a damp sheet in front of an open window. The breeze will pass through the window and sheet, blowing cooler air into the room.
- You can simulate an ocean breeze by setting a large fan in front of a bowl full of ice – position it so that the air whips off the ice blowing out a nice cool breeze.
- Lightweight cotton is a summer essential. For PJ’s think loose soft cotton shirt, shorts and underwear (or sleep au natural).
- Ditch the thick, dense sheets (think silk, satin, polyester and flannel) and go for lightweight pure linen or cotton sheets. Both of these alternatives are breathable and promote airflow.
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