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4 hacks for hiding that unsightly Christmas tree base

Forget fussing about with wrapping paper and keep it classy with one of our four clever hacks to hide that unsightly Christmas tree base



1. Hessian sack

This is a great choice for a tree that is exposed from all sides. Measure how long and high the hessian will need to be to cover your tree base.

Double the height and add another 10cm to allow for a fold-over. Cut hessian accordingly. Fold in half horizontally and staple along the top where the edges meet.

Fold stapled edge over twice (to hide staples). Now fold the hessian around the tree (this is the tricky part). Once you have done this, take the two ends and fold both inwards to create a seamless join. Use a hot glue gun to make the join secure.



2. Canvas bag

Canvas is a great material for this project. To create this base cover, follow the instructions for the hessian sack, above. A nice idea here is to paint the canvas in a design of your choosing – or better yet, get the kids to do it.


3. Bucket case

This trick works best for trees where the back is hidden from view. We used the ever-popular belly basket ($34.95 from Freedom).


From the midpoint between the two handles, use strong scissors to cut down the basket until you reach the base. (Check whether your basket has wire in it. If it does you will need to use wire cutters.)

Next, cut out the base, making sure you leave about a 3cm allowance from the edge of the base so it still looks like the base is intact once you wrap the basket around the tree.

Now you should have one long strip of basket. Next, depending on how large your basket is, attach two or three pieces of string to each side of the basket so you can tie the basket together.

Wrap basket around the tree, tie at the back and admire your handiwork!



3. Rope bucket

Here, we used a rope storage basket bought for $30 from The Warehouse. Follow the steps for the basket case, above.

The only difference here is that because the rope has a nicer edge when it’s cut, you don’t need to leave a 3cm allowance around the base.

Words by: Catherine Wilkinson and Shani Luckman.  Photography by: Melanie Jenkins.


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