Home Inspiration

Enter if you dare: how to set the scene for Halloween

Set a spooky scene for trick-or-treaters this Halloween with these bats and pillar candle holders


You will need:

45cm thick dowel rods

Tape measure


Hand saw, skill saw or drop saw to cut dowel rods


Drill bits – 3mm to start holes and a large one to match the candle size

Hot-glue gun


Hot-glue sticks

Spray pain for candle holders and bats

Scraps of plywood

Paper and pencil for stencil


Jigsaw to cut plywood

To make the candle holders

1 Take the dowel rod, measure and mark out your desired lengths. Cut, using a drop saw, or hand saw
if you don’t have one. The bottoms need to be as flat as possible.


2 Measure and drill a small pilot hole in the centre of the top of your dowel with the 3mm drill bit. Then use your big drill bit to drill a hole big enough for a candle to fit into (the candles I used are 25mm).

3 Using a hot-glue gun, start dripping the glue down the sides from the top. Do this in small sections and tap it on the ground to get the glue to run more than it typically would.


4 Once the glue is dry, spray paint in your desired colour. When dry, insert candles into the top. I used short butts.

To make the bats

1.  To make the bats, create a template by printing one off the internet and cutting the image out. There are plenty of sizes to be found. I used two sizes.


2.  Trace around the template using a pencil onto the plywood.

3.  Using a jigsaw (or hand saw if you don’t have one), cut the bats out.


4.  Spray paint the bats. When dry, affix them to the door.

Photography by: Anna Briggs Words by: Nikki Kettle

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