Home Inspiration

Bedroom tips: De-clutter & planning



It takes more than a complementary colour scheme to design a great-looking bedroom. Follow these rules to create a comfortable, luxurious and personalised space.

Clear the clutter
An overcrowded bedroom full of furniture and clothing can feel chaotic and confused. Take photos of your bedroom, look at it with fresh eyes and remove excess clutter to create a calmer, more peaceful space.

Do the maths

Make sure your bed’s headboard is in line with the height of the windowsill. A low-profile ceiling and short window require a low-profile headboard, while a high ceiling stud can carry a taller headboard.

It takes more than a complementary colour scheme to design a great-looking bedroom. Follow these rules to create a comfortable, luxurious and personalised space.


Written by: Trudi Brewer.
Photography: Maree Homer / Derek Swalwell/

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