With great value decorations and costumes from The Scarehouse, getting suitably spooked up for Halloween is shockingly easy
Putting the fright into Halloween night requires a little planning and a trip to The Scarehouse for all your spooky supplies to ensure a wickedly good time for all.
Plan to petrify
With a theme that involves maximum fear factor, you’ll want to decorate your haunted house appropriately whether you’re throwing a party to freak out your friends, wow trick-or-treaters or both. So, make a list of all the decorations, costumes and candy you’ll need to thrill.
First, some spider webs
To increase your guests’ chills, include classics such as spiders and their webs, a bowl of skulls, ghosts and skeletons, which are standard fare for your Halloween decor. Throw in a faceless reaper and get creative with a full graveyard scene that’ll really give them the creeps. RIP? We think not.
Ghoully glee
Think big and really put on a show for those trick-or-treaters with plug-in inflatable ghosts, grim reapers and other spooky things that go bump in the night. They’ll really send shivers up your guests’ spines.
Spook all the senses
With your decorations a visual spooktacle, you should plan to scare the living daylights out of everyone with some haunting sounds. Those light-up skulls will be enhanced with an electric ghost that comes complete with bone-chilling sounds and an LED light. While you’re at it, compile a creepy playlist to add to the atmosphere.
Devilishly good
Aside from stocking up on candy for both guests and trick-or-treaters, put some thought into your costume. Skeleton, grim reaper, vampire, little devil or witch? Whatever your need, you’ll find it all at The Scarehouse.