We love wallpaper, and not just on walls. These cute stockings are great for packaging small gifts or as a festive decoration
You will need
- Offcuts of wallpaper (a 50cm-high piece will make a small stocking, front and back)
- Sewing machine
- Sewing thread
- Ribbon (for hanging)
- Scissors
- Sellotape
- Stiff cardboard to make template
- Buttons, decorations, felt for decoration on stockings
How to
- Create a stocking template on cardboard – there are lots of templates online.
- Trace around the template onto the wallpaper so you have a back and front of the stocking and cut out.
- Cut a piece of ribbon about 15cm long, fold in half and secure with
a small piece of tape to the inside back of the stocking. - You are now ready to sew the stocking together. Hold the two pieces of wallpaper stocking so the patterned sides are facing out then sew a tacking stitch (size 1-2 is good) around the stocking half a centimetre in from the edge.
- Cut off any excess threads and pop in a present.
TIP: Many stores have wallpaper offcuts or sample pieces available for purchase
Created by: Vanessa Nouwens. Photography by: Wendy Fenwick.