The place where we store our groceries can be the most challenging area in the home to keep tidy
With grocery items being added and removed constantly, and plastic packaging galore, this out-of-sight space can become the ultimate repository for clutter, making it much less inspiring when it comes to cooking.
The trick to keeping on top of the unnecessary chaos is to create a simple and efficient system that will make life much easier when you’re about to cook dinner. So, if your pantry is begging to be tidied, let me share six simple tips for getting things in order.
1. Remove everything from the shelves
There’s no better way to get started than to assess everything you have. Be ruthless here, if necessary. That jar of something strange-looking that you’re never going to open? Toss it. Multiple cans of expired asparagus? In the bin they go. Sift through and work out what ingredients you’ll (actually) use going forward, and the rest you can drop off to a local community pantry or discard if inedible.
2. Group similar ingredients together
Now that you have taken stock, it’s time to create zones for your pantry by grouping similar ingredients. For example, olive oil, vinegar and other various bottles can sit neatly together, with a separate area for baking ingredients, canned goods and a herb and spice section. This way, you can clearly see what’s available and restock if needed.
3. Invest in some nice-looking storage options
For larger shelves, storage baskets to hold loose items such as potatoes and onions are practical. For little jars or boxes of tea, bamboo or wooden trays are a nifty way to keep them organised and in one place. And what about the unsightly plastic packaging? I like to decant ingredients such as pasta, rice, and granola into glass jars for easy finding.
4. Stockpile only what you love
When stocking up for a rainy day, only buy the ingredients that you know well and continue to come back to, time and time again. For me, it’s fancy canned tomatoes, lentils, butter beans, and plenty of flavour bombs such as capers, anchovies and olives. With these, I always know that I have a quick pantry-inspired pasta ready to whip up when there’s nothing left in the fridge. There’s no sense in putting something in your pantry that doesn’t inspire you to cook.
5. Create a go-to shelf for children
As soon as my kids get home from school, or whenever boredom sets in, I can hear them rummaging around in the pantry, hoping to find something hidden in the back. Having a children’s shelf or area of the pantry stocked up with healthy snacks is an excellent idea you’ll be thanking yourself for. Note: you might like to have a hidden shelf somewhere so they don’t leave your cupboards empty like mine do.
6. Make decluttering a regular activity
Once you’ve tidied your pantry, I encourage you to take a moment to admire your handiwork and feel renewed with a fresh sense of motivation. You can bask in this feeling for a week or two; however, you can bet it won’t last forever. Make it a regular activity to clean out and create a lovely sense of order in your cupboards. Who knows, you might even feel inspired to tackle your fridge next?
Words by: Eleanor Cripps