From the experts at Kings Plant Barn When should I plant garlic? June is the time to plant garlic. Garlic needs six months to mature, so it is traditionally planted on the shortest day of the year, which falls on 22 June this year, and harvested on the longest day, which falls on 22 December. […]
Turn your kitchen window sill into a mini hydroponic patch Vegetable scrap gardening is a thing. With little effort and a dose of creativity, you can build a window-sill garden using all kinds of vegetable odds and ends that would have otherwise ended up on the compost heap. This fun project is fantastic for getting […]
As the price of getting your five-plus a day sky rockets, it pays to know size isn’t everything when it comes to growing your own incredible edibles On balconies, storeys off the ground, in pocket-sized townhouse courtyards, in narrow strips along suburban drives or slender window ledges, vegetables are being grown. This is a pastime […]
Growing produce at home instead of buying it from a supermarket is good for both your nutrition and your wallet. Growing organic produce at home rather than buying it from a market or supermarket makes financial as well as nutritional sense. Where time and space are at a premium, concentrate on growing crops that are […]
The season is changing, so here’s your complete guide to what you should be harvesting, planting and sowing in the garden this April The best vegetables to harvest KÅ«mara harvesting begins this month. You’ll know when yours are ready if most of the plant has turned yellow. If frosts are likely in your area, dig […]
Consider this your Autumn planting guide! Here’s what to harvest, plant and sow in the garden during the month of April What to harvest in the garden in Autumn – Pick up passionfruit as it drops to avoid sun damage and rotting. – Harvest eggplant, capsicum, corn, cucumber, courgette, tomato and other late-summer vegetables. Make […]