Rosie Holt of Rose Tinted Flowers’ simple tips will make creating a dried floral arrangement easy
Dried flowers are enjoying their moment in the sun, but it’s no secret that they’ve had to shake off some heavy umbrage to get there. Especially from those who remember the dusty, old-fashioned arrangements of old
Yet, with a move toward eco-friendly, natural themes in the interior world, it’s not that surprising dried flowers are back in vogue.
Rosie Holt from Rose Tinted Flowers says creating a dried floral arrangement is simple. And the best thing? You can use plants in your own garden to create something special.
How to dry flowers:
Unlike fresh flowers, dried flowers take a little bit of pre-thought and preparation.
If you receive a beautiful bunch of blooms, enjoy them fresh and then just before they start to wilt, take them out of their water and hang them upside down, out of direct sunlight.
But don’t just rely on bought flowers to provide you with some dried inspiration. As Rosie shows us above, flowers and foliage from our own gardens can work just as well too. Try looking for ferns, palm fronds and grassy foliage.
Hydrangeas have woody stems, so they don’t require hanging to dry out. Simply place them in an empty vase once their stems have dried.
How to create a dried flower arrangement
When your flowers and foliage have dried out, it’s now time to get creative with your arrangement.
If you use a wide, short vase as Rosie has done in the video above, fill it with chicken wire to help keep the stems in place and the structure of your arrangement intact.
Rosie warns that flowers and foliage become brittle when dried and have little to no flexibility left, so you’ll need to be careful when placing them into the vase.
Words by: Bea Taylor. Video by: Melissa Tapper. Floral styling by: Rosie Holt
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