Home Inspiration

How to organise your bathroom in four days

laundry organiser, bathroom, storage

Life coach Sarah Laurie shares her ideas for calm and clutter-free bathroom in just four days



Day 1

Take everything out of drawers and wipe clean. Throw away expired products. Put products in similar groups, and allocate a space for them. Use drawer dividers and bins that can slide away to keep products organised and contained. If your current storage space isn’t sufficient for your needs, consider investing in a wall-mounted option. Move medicines to a safe or lockable cupboard in another room in the house that’s cooler and more stable temperature-wise.

Day 2

Clear all your bathroom surfaces and reconsider what you need to put back. Surfaces are easier to clean with less on them, and create a calmer feel in this relaxing room. Put away products where possible, and display those you decide to keep visible in a nice and neat way.

Day 3

Get creative with storage. Storage systems don’t have to be ugly – in fact open storage is on-trend and can add to the appeal of your bathroom. Look out for hooks, racks, baskets and containers that suit your style. Ditch the plastic wrap holding the loo paper, and store it in a stylish basket instead.


Day 4

Start a laundry system. Decide on a ‘collection point’ – home to a central basket that dirty washing is dropped into. Do a wash whenever it’s full or twice-weekly to avoid overflow. Position your washing line as close to your machine as possible. When dry, fold and put washing away asap.

Compiled by: Shelley Ferguson

Photography by: Tony Amos & Maree Homer/

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