Try these four projects with plywood – a lovely warm material that has become an essential home trend
1.How to make a plant hanger
Buy your pots (ones with a band or lip are best). On the plywood, draw 3 squares with a circle in each the circumference of the pot at the point where you want it to sit in the hanger (eg just under the band). Make marks for the rope holes. Drill a hole in the centre of each square so the jigsaw bit can fit in, then cut out circles. Drill holes for rope. Sand rough edges with sandpaper. Starting at bottom, knot rope and add ply; repeat. Knot ropes securely at top. Plant pots and display.
2. How to make a magazine rack
To make the magazine holder, draw a 42cm x 60cm rectangle on the plywood. Cut out with a jigsaw. Make a cut the thickness of the ply and 21cm long at the halfway point on a long side. Draw another identical rectangle on the ply and repeat. Sand edges then slot the two pieces together to create an ‘X’ shape.
3. How to make plywood tealight holders
To make the candle holders, cut out 8 identical rectangles in your plywood. In 2 of the rectangles, use a hole saw to cut out 2 holes that will fit tealights. Screw together (from underneath) all the plywood layers, making sure the pieces with holes form the top 2 layers. Sand any rough edges and create smooth sides with a random-orbit sander (sandpaper won’t work as well). Repeat the above with half the length to make a single tealight holder.
4. How to make a coat rack
To make the rack, cut 4 strips of plywood 4cm x 50cm. Cut another 4 strips 4cm x 25cm. Lay them out to create 3 x 25cm squares as per photo. Make sure you have 4 behind and 4 in front. Select 10 knobs and 10 screws long enough to go through 2 pieces of ply and the knob. First drill a hole part way through the back of the knob and all the way through the connecting pieces of ply, then screw all three pieces together from the back. Repeat. Sand any rough areas.
Get the look
Plastic plants from Akia; scissors from Indie Home; cloth from Father Rabbit. Mug from Bob & Friends; chair from Simon James; cushion stylist’s own; scarf from Tessuti; clock from Source Home Object. Kettle holder from Nest; duster and apron from Father Rabbit; dog lead from 8 Paws. Pink tealight holder from BoConcept; cones from Shut The Front Door.
Created by: Catherine Wilkinson. Photos by: Wendy Fenwick.