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The top 12 gardening hacks on social media worth following

The top 12 gardening hacks on social media worth following

From tying a bucket to your bottom for a highly portable weeding seat to using old bras to support melons on the vine, there are some pretty crazy gardening hacks out here. We’ve weeded out the wheat from the chaff to give you 12 of our favourites. From the seemingly absurd to the commonsense, all […]
Pretty deadly: Watch out for these toxic plants

Pretty deadly: Watch out for these toxic plants

Don’t let these poisonous plants bewitch you Iceland poppy, larkspur, lily of the valley and daphne: all so pretty, but along with dozens of other plants found in our gardens, all toxic to both people and animals. Eating daphne can cause anything from drooling, vomiting, and inflamed kidneys to arrhythmia, seizures, coma and even death. […]
Your guide to November gardening and planting

Your guide to November gardening and planting

Say hello to sunshine and make the most of the longer, warmer days by getting busy with November gardening Spring is a most inspiring and pleasant time in the garden. All is bursting with life and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Your November gardening guide: Plant Just about everywhere, even cold-sensitive […]
Pot luck: an easy guide to container planting

Pot luck: an easy guide to container planting

Gardening in planters is a great way to brighten up and give character to a courtyard. Here are five golden rules that will help your pots make the biggest splash. Planter size matters If you think the pot you have chosen is big enough, then go one or two sizes bigger. Not only do smaller […]
How to: Vegetable gardening in small spaces

How to: Vegetable gardening in small spaces

As the price of getting your five-plus a day sky rockets, it pays to know size isn’t everything when it comes to growing your own incredible edibles On balconies, storeys off the ground, in pocket-sized townhouse courtyards, in narrow strips along suburban drives or slender window ledges, vegetables are being grown. This is a pastime […]
The best vegetables and herbs to grow to save money

The best vegetables and herbs to grow to save money

Growing produce at home instead of buying it from a supermarket is good for both your nutrition and your wallet. Growing organic produce at home rather than buying it from a market or supermarket makes financial as well as nutritional sense. Where time and space are at a premium, concentrate on growing crops that are […]
Homes to Love Australia
12 must-have tools every beginner gardener needs

12 must-have tools every beginner gardener needs

Wanting to test whether your thumbs are truly green? These tools from online hardware store Snappy are what you’ll need to get you started 1. Gloves The first thing every beginning gardener should have in his or her gardening belt is a sturdy pair of gardening gloves. Not just for keeping hands clean, but also […]
Homes to Love