Home August
Your August gardening guide: What to sow, harvest and prune

Your August gardening guide: What to sow, harvest and prune

Spring is knocking on winter’s door so it’s time to do a bit of soil prep, pruning and veggie planting in anticipation of the warmer months Chores to consider for August gardening The last month of winter is often the most brutal but it is also when the new season is tantalisingly within our sights. […]
Start preparing your garden for spring with these easy tips

Start preparing your garden for spring with these easy tips

From new spring bulbs to pruning tips, get a jump start on the change of season and keep your garden looking great with our expert gardening guide Start preparing your garden for spring with these easy tips + Thoughts of spring are on every gardener’s mind at this time of year, with daffodils and other bulbs […]
Here are the best vegetables to plant and harvest in your garden in August

Here are the best vegetables to plant and harvest in your garden in August

It’s easy to get busy in the garden this August. Our practical tips and helpful hacks will make you a green thumbed gardener in no time Plant + Plant globe artichokes or divide existing plants and replant in well-fertilised soil. These gorgeous, silver-leaved perennial vegetables need plenty of space so don’t plant them too near […]
Your August gardening checklist and daffodil care guide

Your August gardening checklist and daffodil care guide

There’s nothing like a little garden work-out for vanquishing winter doldrums. Here’s your guide to August gardening with bonus tips for daffodil care Your August gardening checklist and daffodil care guide + Top up mulches (to 10cm) and pull out or hoe weeds in garden beds, shell paths and bark areas. Leave them too long and […]