
Invite sunshine inside with these yellow homewares


Say hello to sunshine and embrace easy, breezy living

Whether its a pale yellow or a bright canary yellow, this happy shade will add instant brightness to your home.


Napoleon chilly bin, $210, from Paper Plane.

Orla Kiely yellow stem rug, $1399, from Allium Interiors.

Tuscany outdoor umbrella, $329, from Target Furniture.

Joseph Joseph paddle grater, $34.99, from Farmers.

Bright crochet basket, $5.90, from Iko Iko.

Anglepoise Type 75 desk lamp Margaret Howell edition, $590, from Citta.

Rogue orchid spider spray, $18.95, from Freedom.

KAS Rere chair pad cushion, $44.99, from Briscoes.

Emma Turner Ceramics handmade large round plate, $48, from Inc Design Store.

Bird tea towel, $19.90, from Iko Iko.

Addison Ross lacquer scallop waste bin, $341, from Amara.

Boracay yellow beach towel, $59.90, from Crave Home.

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