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How to make a corsage

With ball season in sight, we’ve created this fun how-to with floral superstar Eden Hessel to help you create your own floral corsage


A corsage is a mini arrangement of floral blooms, worn on the wrist for special occasions such as school balls.

For this fresh white corsage you will need:

-Asparagus fern
-Viburnum berries

-Thick wire, thin wire
-Florist tape
-Hot glue gun
-Florist adhesive
-A cardboard circle

How to wire a flower

This how-to video shows the correct technique for wiring light foliage with thin wire. Hardy foliage such as viburnum will require thicker wire. To wire the ranunculus, pierce the stem at the top, thread the wire through, pinch it down and wrap wire around the stem twice.


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Eden’s top tips for creating a corsage

  • Make sure your ribbon is long enough to tie around your wrist
  • Because blooms are out of water they need as much supports as they can get – the wire is acting as its stem
  • Don’t be shy with the hot glue gun
  • You can keep gluing more flowers until you’re happy with the shape
  • Avoid blooms that won’t last long without water such as hydrangea, tulips
  • Use dried flowers, Gypsophila is great, spray roses, berries, mosses, succulent
  • You could get most of your greenery from the garden and buy one pretty flower

Special thanks to: Eden Hessel and Clinton Richards from The Botanist.

You will need: Ranunculus Ivy Asparagus fern Viburnum berries Cineraria Tools: Thick wire, thin wire Florist tape Hot glue gun Florist adhesive Ribbon A cardboard circle


How to: Wire each individual stem, using the thicker wire for the more hardy viburnum. Use the thinner wire for the lighter foliage. Cut wire on an angle first so it has a sharp tip for piercing the stems. To wire the ranunculus, pierce the stem at the top, thread the wire through, pinch it down and wrap wire around the stem twice. Use a long piece of tape and wrap each stem in tape from the base of the bloom to the end.

How to: Glue cardboard to a long piece of ribbon with plenty of hot glue. Start creating the corsage with the backing foliage which in this case is the ivy and cineraria to create a base for the flowers to thread into. It’s much like creating a bouquet but there’s no spiralling involved, just threading blooms into the arrangement so it’s nice and dainty.

How to: Chop down the stems so you’ve only got 0.5-1cm and bind the stems together with tape. Apply plenty of hot glue to the back of the corsage and stick to the cardboard circle. Allow to cool.

Add extra pieces of foliage, berries or blooms with florist’s adhesive to cover any gaps.


Cut around the cardboard so none is visible when the corsage is tied to the wrist.

The beautiful finished product!

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