Home winter gardening
What to grow in your garden this winter

What to grow in your garden this winter

What to sow and grow to get your greens this winter It’s midwinter, the cold and damp are becoming tedious, you’ve a hankering for fresh greens, and to boot, veggie prices are sky-high. But take heart, we have some solutions. Can I grow vegetables to be harvested in winter? The short answer is yes, and […]
The garden tasks to do during winter

The garden tasks to do during winter

Winter is the season to set the groundwork for the next growing cycle – from planting trees and garlic to preparing the soil Chores for the month  As the cold bites, autumn’s mellow fruitfulness seems long gone, but it’s not forgotten because winter is the season for fruit tree planting. What you plant will depend […]
We answer your questions on how to get your garden ready for winter

We answer your questions on how to get your garden ready for winter

From the experts at Kings Plant Barn My friend told me that I should grow lupins in my vegetable patch over winter, why and how do I do this? Give your soil a little extra love and care during the cold winter months and plant some lupins. These bright and beautiful plants are part of […]