Home villa renovation
Before and After: My New Home with Eric Murray

Before and After: My New Home with Eric Murray

The before and after images of Olympic rower Eric Murray’s year-long DIY transformation of a grand old villa in Cambridge Over the last few months we have shared content of Eric Murray and his partner Thea Lyle’s journey as they tackled the ultimate DIY challenge of bringing a 1912 villa into the 21st century, while […]
This couple reflects on their renovation journey of a grand old villa in Cambridge

This couple reflects on their renovation journey of a grand old villa in Cambridge

We reveal the results of Olympic rower Eric Murray’s year-long DIY transformation of a grand old villa in Cambridge Meet & greet: Eric Murray (sports coach and business development manager) and partner Thea Lyle (teacher). The property: Four-bedroom 1912 villa in Cambridge. Some days, Eric Murray and his partner Thea Lyle just stand in their living room […]
Meet the couple behind My New Home: Follow The Reno

Meet the couple behind My New Home: Follow The Reno

Meet double Olympic gold medallist Eric Murray, the dynamo behind our new series tracking the transformation of a grand old villa in Cambridge Meet & greet: Eric Murray (sports coach and business development manager) and partner Thea Lyle (teacher). The property: Four-bedroom 1912 villa in Cambridge. Double Olympic gold medallist Eric Murray knows a thing or two […]
Coming Soon: My New Home with Eric Murray

Coming Soon: My New Home with Eric Murray

Follow the reno as Eric Murray transforms a Cambridge villa Don’t miss our new My New Home series where we’re following in the wake of Olympic rower Eric Murray as he transforms a grand old villa in Cambridge. One of the country’s most celebrated athletes, Eric has turned his focus from paddling to painting as […]
This 1900s Dunedin villa was restored to its former glory

This 1900s Dunedin villa was restored to its former glory

Years of letter writing to own this Dunedin villa culminated in a labour of love renovation Meet & greet Claire Robinson (registered valuer/risk manager), Cameron McLellan (solutions analyst), Lyla, two, and Moss the retrodoodle. The property A circa 1905 renovated three-bedroom weatherboard villa in Dunedin. For four years, while living in the leafy suburb of […]