Home Playroom
How to make your child’s bedroom a more fun and engaging space

How to make your child’s bedroom a more fun and engaging space

Playing is not only fun it’s also essential for a child’s healthy brain development. Max out the space PAINT BOOKSHELF (left) From top to bottom: Blue box painted in Resene Lustacryl in Resene Takaka and animal in Resene Sante Fe. Books in Resene Tussock and Resene Twizel. Blue storage tub in Resene Half Resolution Blue. […]
How to create a play space for your kids that’s easy to keep tidy

How to create a play space for your kids that’s easy to keep tidy

The modern playroom is a space for imagining, learning… and making mess. Lots of mess. Create one that inspires, delights and is easy to keep tidy. Here are two we dreamed up Storage is key A bookshelf or cube unit is an easy, compact way to store lots of items. Boxes, baskets or mini suitcases […]