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Your complete September gardening checklist and seedling guide

Your complete September gardening checklist and seedling guide

Spring is slowly creeping in and the change in seasons is giving us a lot to do in the garden. Here’s a handy checklist of vegetables to harvest, sow and plant, with a bonus seedling care guide.  What to harvest this September + Broad beans are a favourite winter crop. They cope with cold, wind […]
Your guide for what to do in the garden this October

Your guide for what to do in the garden this October

It’s time to harvest spinach, sow your beans and plant tomatoes. Here are all your garden tasks to complete this October Harvest Spinach: As the weather warms, spinach, rocket and other leafy greens can bolt (turn to seed and stop producing leaves). To avoid this keep picking as much as possible, even the young flower stems […]
Here’s what to plant, harvest and sow in the garden this November

Here’s what to plant, harvest and sow in the garden this November

BBQ season is in full swing, so keep planting lettuces and mesculin for on-demand salads. Plus it’s time to start some home-grown prep for Christmas Here’s what to plant, harvest and sow in the garden this November + You’ll need plenty of salad greens now that barbecue season is in full swing. Keep planting lettuces and […]
This is what you should be doing in your garden this October

This is what you should be doing in your garden this October

Spring is in the air. It’s time to pick new asparagus shoots and put sprouted potatoes in the ground. Here’s what to sow, plant and harvest in October The best vegetables to plant in October + If you’re lucky enough to have space for growing potatoes, it’s not too late to plant. Soil temperatures needs to […]
Here are the best vegetables to plant and harvest in your garden in August

Here are the best vegetables to plant and harvest in your garden in August

It’s easy to get busy in the garden this August. Our practical tips and helpful hacks will make you a green thumbed gardener in no time Plant + Plant globe artichokes or divide existing plants and replant in well-fertilised soil. These gorgeous, silver-leaved perennial vegetables need plenty of space so don’t plant them too near […]
These are the best vegetables to plant in your garden in June

These are the best vegetables to plant in your garden in June

Don’t let the chilly temperature prevent you from getting in the garden! Use this simple gardening guide on what to harvest, plant and sow this June Plant + Before planting garlic, get rid of weeds like dock, make sure drainage is top notch and add plenty of compost. You’ll need to fertilise as it grows […]
The best vegetables to plant in your garden this May

The best vegetables to plant in your garden this May

When is comes to vegetables, May is all about your leafy greens. Use our quick gardening guide on what to harvest, plant and sow to make the most of this autumn season What you should harvest in May Keep picking lettuce leaves but if they start to turn bitter this means plants should be pulled […]
The best vegetables to plant in your garden in March

The best vegetables to plant in your garden in March

As the days starts to get shorter and autumn begins to roll around, now is the perfect time to get planting in the garden. Here are some gardening hacks to help you get started Plant Cabbage, spinach, silverbeet, broccoli, celery, lettuce and leek seedlings can be planted out into the garden in cooler areas. Wait […]