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How to get rid of pesky pantry moths and prevent them from returning

How to get rid of pesky pantry moths and prevent them from returning

Are pantry moths plaguing your home or office? These expert tips will help you to banish them for good Up there with flies and mosquitoes, pantry moths (or Indian meal moths) have to be some of the peskiest insects of all time. Unfortunately, they are also the most common. These little creatures are like Newman […]
Homes to Love Australia
How to remove mould and mildew, according to the experts

How to remove mould and mildew, according to the experts

We speak to the experts to find out how to best tackle household mould and mildew Not all mould is bad. After all, it helps convert grapes to wine, milk curd to blue cheese and has even contributed to medical breakthroughs like penicillin. But that’s very cold comfort when this living organism invades clothes, ruins […]
Cozy bedroom with green palm wallpaper, mustard pillows, and a green nightstand with flowers in a vase.

How often should you really wash your sheets?

It turns out, quite a few of us are failing when it comes to keeping our sheets cleanPhotographer: Alan Jensen Despite spending about a third of our day between the sheets, it turns out, many of us don’t know how often to wash them. Over time, our bed becomes a haven for bacteria, dirt and […]
Kitchen counter with cleaning supplies, wooden caddy, brushes, dish detergent, and a potted plant by a window.

5 eco-friendly cleaning tips

Ensuring your cleaning process is eco-friendly should be a priority for us all.  The process of cleaning, decluttering and refreshing our homes is part of our regular home routines – usually this would mean forking out on expensive chemical-laden cleaning products to get the job done, but there are so many more eco-friendly options, that […]
Homes to Love Australia
Colorful Christmas crackers with gold ribbons and decorations on a white background.

DIY Christmas bon bons to make this festive season

Fill them with treats the family will actually love. The highlight of any Christmas lunch – aside from the ham – is arguably the Christmas bon bons. With the budget already stretched on presents and food, why not save yourself a little by fashioning your own crackers? Not only will these give your table a […]
Homes to Love Australia
Child reading on bed with forest-themed wallpaper, plush blanket, and decorative canopy.

9 storage ideas that will prevent toys taking over the house

Store your kids’ toys easily and effectively with these genius solutions The idea of keeping a house in order takes on a whole new meaning if you have kids. If you don’t have adequate toy solutions in place, it won’t be long before playthings, sports equipment, school bags and Lego are taking over the entire […]
Homes to Love Australia
Luxurious living room with mustard velvet chairs, gray sofa, glass coffee table, geometric wall art, and a potted plant.

How to choose the right rug for a room

We lay down the ground rules on how to pick the perfect rug for every room in your home A rug can make or break a room, but getting it right isn’t always easy, especially when you’re shopping for a rug online. If you can’t try before you buy, it’s essential to get the exact […]
Homes to Love Australia