Home herbs
The secret to growing rosemary from cuttings

The secret to growing rosemary from cuttings

A step-by-step guide to propagating rosemary for all your cooking needs Rosemary is an easy-to-grow, woody herb plant that, once established, will thrive on neglect. It is versatile on the plate, in a mocktail, and in the garden. Clip it into a tidy hedge for a manicured garden, or for a more cottage-style look, leave it to […]
Vegetables and herbs to grow that will actually save you money

Vegetables and herbs to grow that will actually save you money

Growing your fruit, vegetables and herbs at home is good for both your nutrition and your wallet. Try these options in your garden. Growing organic produce at home rather than buying it from a market or supermarket makes financial as well as nutritional sense. Where time and space are at a premium, concentrate on growing […]
The best vegetables and herbs to grow to save money

The best vegetables and herbs to grow to save money

Growing produce at home instead of buying it from a supermarket is good for both your nutrition and your wallet. Growing organic produce at home rather than buying it from a market or supermarket makes financial as well as nutritional sense. Where time and space are at a premium, concentrate on growing crops that are […]
Homes to Love Australia
5 soothing garden tasks to keep you busy when you’re at home

5 soothing garden tasks to keep you busy when you’re at home

Getting in the garden and using your hands is a great way to soothe your mind and keep busy. Here are some practical and creative tasks you can do while you’re self-isolating It is well known that plants can improve your health and wellbeing. By sparking a connection with nature and breathing in the fresh […]
Homes to Love
How to create your own little herb garden in your kitchen

How to create your own little herb garden in your kitchen

Indoor plants look fantastic anywhere and the kitchen is no exception. Go for the edible kind so you’ll always have herbs in easy reach when cooking How to create your own little herb garden in your kitchen Every kitchen looks fresher and more alive with some friendly greenery. Kitchens are often one of the best […]
Top 10 potted herbs for small spaces

Top 10 potted herbs for small spaces

You don’t need a multitude of garden beds to grow fresh herbs; pot those puppies in containers Top 10 potted herbs for small spaces The great thing about herbs, apart from their divine flavour and wonderful nutritional value, is that most of them are able to grow in all sorts of places – rocky slopes, […]