Home container bach
These 5 small mobile homes maximise space without losing style

These 5 small mobile homes maximise space without losing style

Living with less is something these five compact mobile homes have in common. See how these clever designs save space without compromising on style Most of us couldn’t imagine living in a home that’s 2.3 metres by 3.6 metres. In fact, that’s probably the size of most of the bedrooms we feature. But these clever homeowners […]
Homes to Love
The striking container bach completed by a father-daughter duo

The striking container bach completed by a father-daughter duo

A patch of bare land with a spectacular view is now home to a striking container bach, thanks to a labour of love from a father and daughter The striking container bach completed by a father-daughter duo Best lesson learned? I learned lots of little things from this project – how to back a trailer, […]