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A coastal bach in Waikuku has retained its vintage vibe

A coastal bach in Waikuku has retained its vintage vibe

The moment the Pilkington family opened the front door of this coastal cottage, they knew no major makeover was required to improve on its perfect beach bach vibe Meet and greet Gael Pilkington full-time mother, Wade Pilkington airline pilot, Georgia, 5, and Alexis, 4. A coastal bach in Waikuku has retained its vintage vibe A small […]
It took time to discover the hidden potential of this Beach Haven home

It took time to discover the hidden potential of this Beach Haven home

Perched on a lush coastal outcrop in Beach Haven, this home was hiding a lot of potential. Discover the renovation journey of this quirky little abode It took time to discover the hidden potential of this Beach Haven home – Bridie, what’s the best lesson you’ve learned during the renovations? Being patient. The house keeps […]