The 2016 Auckland Architecture Awards reveal that one housing category remains relatively weak in quality even as its quantity is rapidly increasing, and that’s apartments

In this year’s Auckland Architecture Awards the housing category was hotly contested, with a huge number of quality homes to choose from. While the housing awards were plentiful, the judges in the Auckland Architecture Awards 2016 noted a distinct lack of quality apartments.
“Good multi-unit housing is desperately needed in Auckland,” said the convenor of the awards jury, architect Michael O’Sullivan. The winning projects in the peer-reviewed awards programme, which is conducted by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, set the standard for good architecture in Auckland and Northland.

Many developer-driven multi-unit projects are mediocre, say the judges. “It’s important, given the scepticism around intensification, that Aucklanders are presented with good examples of multi-unit or apartment buildings.”
Two apartment buildings that rise above the pack are Altera and Ilico Apartments (pictured above), both designed by Warren and Mahoney Architects.
See the rest of the winners here.