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How to: Deck the halls

Christmas theme, nature, folliage, table garland

Use easy-to-find foliage to create a lush Christmas wonderland


hanging plant, DIY, green

Hanging plant basket

You will need 

  • A hanging basket (large enough to hold 2-3 pots)
  • Cellophane to line the basket
  • Moss (Spanish and standard)
  • Hanging and trailing plants

How to

  1. Line the basket with green moss. Don’t worry if some is poking out.
  2. Line the moss with cellophane to catch any water that could escape.
  3. Keep plants in their pots (in case you wish
  4. to change them in the future).
  5. Add plants to the basket so that some foliage hangs over the side.
  6. Fill in the gaps with more moss.

TIP: Line the inside of a hanging basket with florist’s oasis and moss, then thread through garden foliage and flowers, letting them drape down


Christmas theme, nature, folliage, table garland

Table garland

You will need 

  • Branches or sticks, flexible enough to drape down the table (we used twisted willow)
  • Any type of lush foliage that has a nice texture (we used oak, asparagus fern)
  • Moss
  • String

How to

  1. Create the base by binding the twigs together with the string.
  2. Thread the foliage through the twigs, creating small clusters.
  3. Add moss where there are any visible gaps, but keep the placement random.



Potted gifts

Create potted succulents to give as a living gift using jam jars, hosta leaves, twine and hessian to wrap the jars. Plant succulents in jars with a little potting mix, top with some moss, if you like, and disguise the jar with a hosta leaf secured with twine and a dot of hot glue.

TIP: Keep succulents in their original pots
and disguise with a wrapping of your choice, even leaves!

Floristry by: Eden Hessell at The Botanist
Styling by: Kendyl Middelbeek
Photography by: Wendy Fenwick

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