Home Inspiration

Four ways with glitter

We’ve got four easy Christmas craft ideas using glitter, dreamed up by stylist Vanessa Nouwens


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Plastic baubles and glitter from Spotlight; Motex label maker and tape from Tea Pea; gold cube from Shut The Front Door; candle and jar from Look Sharp; all other props, stylist’s own.

Photos by: Wendy Fenwick @ Flash Studios.

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How to: Stick masking tape (one that is easy to remove) around your candle where you don’t want the glitter to go. Then brush clear craft glue all the way around the candle on the non-taped part. Pour glitter on the candle until the glue is evenly covered. Leave to dry for a few hours. Once dry, peel off the masking tape. These make great gifts, too.

How to: Take fillable plastic baubles, fill with glitter and shake so the glitter sticks to the inside. Using a Motex label maker, print labels with Christmas sayings or family members’ names and stick on. Thread fine cord onto baubles for hanging on the tree.

Take a jar and glue the base of a small decoration onto the inside of the lid using a strong craft glue; leave to dry overnight. Fill the jar with water and sprinkle glitter into the water. Carefully place the lid on the jar and screw it on tight. Add a ribbon or thread to the bottom and give it a good shake.

Place some easy-to-remove tape (we used washi) onto your card to create shapes and patterns. Paint the non-taped sections, where you want the glitter to go, in clear craft glue and pour glitter onto tag. Shake off excess and leave to dry before peeling off tape.


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