With ANZ, HOME New Zealand is exploring the ways we live now, under the theme of ‘Urban Communities’ – and how this trend allows us to live and build today.

1. Create “bump” spaces. Many multi-unit developments fail because their residents come and go without ever bumping into each other – spaces where they encounter each other creates communion with neighbours and a sense of security
2. Create privacy. Equally, you don’t want to bump into people all the time, so creating private outdoor spaces where people can relax is crucial.

3. Variety is key. Through smart planning the Stout-Mitchells have built three units on a standard suburban site – yet because of its clever design, varied apartment size and its garden, it’s not out of scale and each apartment has air and light.

4. Build only as much as you need. This involves asking hard questions about things many of us take for granted: do you really need that three-car garage and five bedrooms or can you use the space in a smarter way?
5. Be generous. Spaces such as the Stout-Mitchell’s main living space, which covers most of a floor, create a generosity of spirit – and they give you the prefect space to invite the neighbours over.

If you’re thinking about building, buying or renovating use the ANZ home loan calculator to work out how you can achieve it. Visit anz.co.nz/homeloans for more information.